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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Applications / Games / NeXTGo / NeXTGo.app / NeXTGo.nib (.txt) < prev    next >
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1993-02-08  |  28KB  |  561 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. StreamTable
  3.     HashTable
  4. Object
  5. [20c]
  6. typedstream
  7. [3066c]
  8. typedstream
  9.     HashTable
  10. Object
  11. GoApp
  12. HeaderClass
  13. %%%%i@@
  14. Application
  15. appnib
  16. transTypeCHAM
  17. translateWindow
  18. transLangGB
  19. transLangFR
  20. transLangNL
  21. stepBackwardButton
  22. IGSPanel
  23. transTypeDIGI
  24. observeBox
  25. IGSSendButton
  26. scoringType
  27. IGSobserveNumber
  28. transLangCP
  29. scoringMethod
  30. versionString
  31. transLangCH
  32. smartGoComments
  33. smartGoNodeName
  34. transLangGE
  35. observeScrollView
  36. WhitePlayer
  37. handicapText
  38. smartGoNodeNumber
  39. jumpForwardButton
  40. observeMatrix
  41. transTypePOLI
  42. MainGoView
  43. stepForwardButton
  44. IGSAddress
  45. sizeSlider
  46. IGSPassword
  47. transLangRK
  48. IGSCommand
  49. smartGoPanel
  50. handicapSlider
  51. transLangDG
  52. IGSStatusPanel
  53.     prefPanel
  54. observeSelPanel
  55. translateTerm
  56. BlackPlayer
  57. transLangJP
  58. translateButton
  59. AGAscoringMethodFlag
  60. saveReq
  61.     IGSStatus
  62. sizeText
  63. transTypeNAME
  64. openReq
  65. translateResults
  66. observeCell
  67. transTypeMISC
  68.     nodeTitle
  69. savePrefsFlag
  70. smartgoVariants
  71. IGSLoginName
  72. jumpBackwardButton
  73. transTypeTECH
  74.     IGSgames:
  75. IGSquit:
  76. IGSdecrease:
  77. IGSSendCommand:
  78. NewGame:
  79. jumpBackSmartGoFile:
  80. saveNeXTGoFileRequest:
  81. IGSincrease:
  82.     UserPass:
  83. IGSlook:
  84. openNeXTGoFileRequest:
  85. stepSmartGoFile:
  86. IGSdecline:
  87. startGame:
  88. IGSsave:
  89. IGSwatching:
  90. IGSwho:
  91. IGSadjourn:
  92. IGSall:
  93.     IGSthist:
  94. initTranslator:
  95.     IGSreset:
  96. IGSdone:
  97.     stopGame:
  98. SetPreferences:
  99. IGSConnect:
  100. IGSrefresh:
  101. IGSload:
  102. openSmartGoFileRequest:
  103. jumpSmartGoFile:
  104. IGSbest:
  105. stepBackSmartGoFile:
  106. saveSmartGoFileRequest:
  107. IGSstored:
  108. performTranslate:
  109. IGSlast:
  110. IGSdelete:
  111. IGSplayers:
  112. IGSuptime:
  113. IGSobserve:
  114.     IGSranks:
  115. IGStime:
  116. IGSresign:
  117. FirstResponder
  118. firstnib
  119. checkSpelling:
  120. alignSelCenter:
  121.     unscript:
  122. pasteFont:
  123. runPageLayout:
  124. superscript:
  125. copyRuler:
  126.     copyFont:
  127. selectAll:
  128. pasteRuler:
  129. toggleRuler:
  130. showGuessPanel:
  131. alignSelLeft:
  132. paste:
  133. performClose:
  134. arrangeInFront:
  135. subscript:
  136. copy:
  137. alignSelRight:
  138. delete:
  139. orderFrontColorPanel:
  140. underline:
  141. performMiniaturize:
  142. GoView
  143. viewnib
  144. WhitePrisonValue
  145. mainMenu
  146. GameResult
  147. BlackPrisonValue
  148. IGShandicap
  149. showCoords
  150. IGSkomi
  151. playSounds
  152. TypeOfScoring
  153. IGSBlackPlayer
  154. board
  155. startButton
  156.     blackTime
  157. BlackTerrString
  158.     KomiValue
  159. ScoringWindow
  160. stopButton
  161. WhiteTerrString
  162. blacksPrisoners
  163. WhiteTotalValue
  164. IGSWhitePlayer
  165. IGSGameNumber
  166. gameMessage2
  167. WhitePrisonString
  168. showHistFlag
  169. BlackPrisonString
  170. whitesPrisoners
  171. WhiteTerrValue
  172. passButton
  173.     whiteTime
  174. BlackTerrValue
  175. gameMessage
  176. BlackTotalValue
  177. toggleShowHistFlag:
  178. pass:
  179. toggleSound:
  180. toggleCoords:
  181. undoLastMove:
  182. stop:
  183. showLastMove:
  184. [24941c]
  185. typedstream
  186.     HashTable
  187. Object
  188. NibData
  189. @@@@s
  190. Storage
  191. {*@@}
  192. [182{*@@}]
  193. File's Owner
  194. CustomObject
  195. GoApp
  196. MainMenu
  197. MenuTemplate
  198. *@*@ccc
  199. NeXTGo
  200. Matrix
  201. Control
  202.     Responder
  203. @:@iiii
  204. [10@]
  205. MenuCell
  206. ButtonCell
  207. ActionCell
  208.     Helvetica
  209. Info Panel...
  210. Help...
  211. Preferences...
  212. ff@@#::s
  213. submenuAction:
  214. Bitmap
  215.     menuArrow
  216. Paste
  217. Load NeXTGo File
  218. Save NeXTGo File
  219. Open Smart-Go File
  220. Save Smart-Go File
  221.     Translate
  222. New Game
  223.     Last Move
  224. Print
  225. MyWindow
  226. WindowTemplate
  227. iiii***@s@
  228. Window
  229. [15@]
  230. CustomView
  231. GoView
  232. White Prisoners
  233. Black Prisoners
  234.     TextField
  235. TextFieldCell
  236. Black's Turn
  237. Game Controls
  238. Button
  239. Start
  240. You move first...
  241. Show History
  242. NXImage
  243. NXswitch
  244.     NXswitchH
  245. Play Sounds
  246. Show Coords
  247. Connect to IGS Server
  248. Field
  249. Field2,
  250. Field17
  251. Field3:
  252. Panel
  253. Version 2.2
  254. NeXT Interface by John Neil
  255. 2Copyright 1992, John Neil.  GNU Copyright Applies.a
  256. P[UNcU
  257. VersionNumber^UIhU
  258.     PrefPanel
  259. Preferences
  260. [31@]
  261. Select Players
  262. Black is
  263. NXradio
  264. NXradioH
  265. Computer
  266. Radio
  267. White is
  268. Choose Black's Handicap
  269. Slider
  270. SliderCell
  271. Set Preferences
  272. NXreturnSign
  273. White
  274. Black
  275. Select Game Board Size
  276. Scoring Method
  277. Scoring Type
  278. Automatic Scoring
  279. Manual Scoring
  280. Japanese Scoring
  281. Chinese Scoring
  282. AGA Scoring
  283. Save Preferences
  284. Internet Go Server
  285. icsib18.icsi.berkeley.edu
  286. Server Address
  287. IGS Login Name
  288. IGS Password
  289. Matrix1
  290. Slider2
  291. Field4
  292. Field5
  293. Field6
  294. Field7
  295. Field8
  296. Matrix2
  297. Matrix3
  298. Field9
  299. Field10
  300. Field11
  301. Box2~x
  302. Field12
  303. Field13
  304. Field14
  305. Field15
  306.     HelpPanel
  307. NeXTGo Help
  308. ScrollView
  309. ClipView
  310. ciifffcfffs
  311. [3631c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  312. \margl40
  313. \margr40
  314. {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}
  315. \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24\fc0  
  316. \b\fs34 Game of Go\
  317. \fs28 \
  318. \b0\fs24  (Based originally on GNU GO Version 1.1 and igs 4.2)\
  319. \fs22 written by Man L. Li\
  320. modified by Wayne Iba\
  321. documented by Bob Webber\
  322. NeXT version by John Neil\
  323. \fs24 \
  324.     Welcome to the game of Go.  To play this game, either against a computer or human opponent, you should first go to the Preferences menu to select the game parameters.  These include who will play the black and white stones and what handicap black will be given at the start of the game.  It is possible to have the computer play itself with whatever handicap you wish.  When you have finished choosing the parameters of the game, click the Set Preferences button at the bottom of the window.  This makes the choices known to the computer.\
  325.     You are now ready to play the game.  Choosing New Game from the menu will clear the board and place any handicap stones necessary for the play to begin.  If the computer makes the first move, a message at the bottom of the screen will so indicate.  In that case, pressing the Start button will cause play to begin.  If, on the other hand, a human is to make the first move, clicking on the board where the stone is desired to be played starts the game.  If the computer is playing the other side, then it's moves will follow automatically.\
  326.     Play follows by the black side and white side alternately placing stones upon the board.  Human players (like yourself) make moves by clicking on the board where the stone is desired to be played.  The computer makes its moves automatically.  If you click on an empty point but no stone is placed there then one of two things could be true:  either the move is a suicide and is therefore disallowed, or it's the computers turn and you need to press the Start button.\
  327.     Play continues until both sides have passed in succession.  To pass your turn, press the Pass button.  At this point you may count up stones and determine the winner.  I cannot currently do that for you (that may be a future modification).\
  328.     If you wish to play go against another human opponent, then one of your choices is to attach to the Internet Go Server.  There is a built-in client for this in NeXTGo.  To attach to the server, you must first be directly attached to the internet.  In the Preferences panel, choose your login name and password in the appropriate spots in the panel.  Also, if you do not wish to use the default IGS location, then change the address listed in that field.  When the information is correct, then press the Connect button.  This will activate the IGS client in NeXTGo and bring up two additional windows.  These two windows are the controls window and the status window.  The controls window contains buttons and an editable text field that you can use to enter IGS commands.  The status window (which is resizable) contains the messages generated by the server.  If you are playing a match on the go server, you need only click on the board in the location you wish to place the stone in order to play.  The server keeps track of things like playing time, whose turn it is, etc.  If you wish to pass your turn, then press the pass button located on the main window.\
  329.     Any bug reports, modifications, and suggestions should be directed to John Neil at the following address:\
  330.         John Neil\
  331.         Math Department\
  332.         Portland State University \
  333.         PO Box 751\
  334.         Portland, Oregon  97207\
  335.         e-mail:  neil@math.mth.pdx.edu\
  336. NXCursor
  337. NXibeam
  338. Scroller
  339. _doScroller:
  340. @@@ffs
  341. ScrollingText
  342. SmartGoPanel
  343. Smart-Go Controls
  344. [11@]
  345. Controls
  346. Step Forward
  347. [108c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  348. \margl40
  349. \margr40
  350. \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 
  351. Step Backward
  352. Title
  353. Node:
  354. [157c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  355. \margl40
  356. \margr40
  357. \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 
  358.     Variants:
  359. Jump Forward
  360. Jump Backward
  361. ScrollingText1
  362. ScoringPanel
  363. Scoring Summary
  364. [20@]
  365. Japanese Scoring Method
  366. Helvetica-Bold
  367. Totals for Black
  368. Totals for White
  369.     Territory
  370.     Prisoners
  371. TOTAL
  372. Results:  Black wins by 234.5
  373. Field16
  374. Field17
  375. IGSPanel
  376. IGS Control
  377. [32@]
  378. General Commands:
  379. adjourn
  380. decrease
  381. games
  382. increase
  383. players
  384. ranks
  385. refresh
  386. reset
  387. resign
  388. uptime
  389. watching
  390. Send Command
  391. Predefined Commands
  392. Observe
  393. Game Observation:
  394. Game Information:
  395.     Handicap:
  396. Komi:
  397. IGSStatusPanel
  398. IGS Status
  399. [107c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f1\fmodern Courier;}
  400. \margl40
  401. \margr40
  402. \f1\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 
  403. ObservePanel
  404. IGS Game Observation
  405. Current Games
  406. TransPanel
  407. Translator
  408. Term:
  409. S{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  410. \margl40
  411. \margr40
  412. \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 
  413. Term Types:
  414. Languages:
  415. Search Results
  416. Unclassified
  417. Player Names
  418. Championship Titles
  419. Technical Terms
  420. Conversational
  421. Numeric
  422. Caption
  423. Chinese
  424. Diagram
  425. Dutch
  426. English
  427. French
  428. German
  429. Japanese
  430. Korean
  431. {i*@@@}
  432. [139{i*@@@}]
  433. takeIntValueFrom:
  434. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  435. MainGoView
  436. terminate:
  437. hide:
  438. handicapSlider
  439. NewGame:
  440.     stopGame:&
  441. gameMessage
  442. SetPreferences:
  443. BlackPlayer
  444. WhitePlayer
  445.     UserPass:)
  446. gameMessage2
  447. startButton
  448. stopButton
  449. mainMenu
  450. passButton
  451.     prefPanel
  452. sizeSlider
  453. openNeXTGoFileRequest:
  454. saveNeXTGoFileRequest:
  455. smartPrintPSCode:
  456. saveSmartGoFileRequest:
  457. openSmartGoFileRequest:
  458. stepSmartGoFile:
  459. smartGoPanel
  460. scoringMethod
  461. scoringType
  462. TypeOfScoring
  463. BlackTerrValue
  464. BlackPrisonValue
  465. BlackTotalValue
  466. BlackTerrString
  467. BlackPrisonString
  468. GameResult
  469. WhiteTerrValue
  470. WhitePrisonValue
  471. WhiteTotalValue
  472. WhiteTerrString
  473. WhitePrisonString
  474.     KomiValue
  475. ScoringWindow
  476. AGAscoringMethodFlag
  477. showLastMove:
  478. undoLastMove:
  479. savePrefsFlag
  480. handicapText
  481. sizeText
  482. toggleShowHistFlag:/
  483. showHistFlag
  484.     nodeTitle
  485. stepBackSmartGoFile:
  486. IGSCommand
  487. IGSConnect:
  488. IGSAddress
  489. IGSLoginName
  490. IGSPassword
  491. IGSadjourn:
  492. IGSbest:
  493. IGSdecrease:
  494.     IGSgames:
  495. IGSincrease:
  496. IGSplayers:
  497. IGSquit:
  498.     IGSranks:
  499. IGSrefresh:
  500.     IGSreset:
  501. IGSresign:
  502. IGSsave:
  503. IGSuptime:
  504. IGSwatching:
  505. IGSwho:
  506.     IGSStatus
  507. blacksPrisoners
  508. whitesPrisoners
  509. toggleSound:=
  510. toggleCoords:@
  511. playSounds
  512. showCoords
  513. IGSSendCommand:
  514. IGSobserve:
  515. IGSSendButton
  516. IGSGameNumber
  517. IGSBlackPlayer
  518. IGSWhitePlayer
  519.     blackTime
  520.     whiteTime
  521. performClick:
  522. delegate
  523. IGShandicap
  524. IGSkomi
  525. stepForwardButton
  526. stepBackwardButton
  527. smartGoComments
  528. smartGoNodeName
  529. smartGoNodeNumber
  530. observeSelPanel
  531. observeBox
  532. versionString
  533. copy:
  534. paste:
  535. jumpForwardButton
  536. jumpBackwardButton
  537. smartgoVariants
  538. jumpSmartGoFile:
  539. jumpBackSmartGoFile:
  540. translateResults
  541. translateTerm
  542. translateButton
  543. translateWindow
  544. performTranslate:
  545. initTranslator:
  546. transTypeMISC
  547. transTypeNAME
  548. transTypeCHAM
  549. transTypeTECH
  550. transTypePOLI
  551. transTypeDIGI
  552. transLangCP
  553. transLangCH
  554. transLangDG
  555. transLangNL
  556. transLangGB
  557. transLangFR
  558. transLangGE
  559. transLangJP
  560. transLangRK